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Fantasy NBA

Započeo, 26-11-2009, 08:57:31

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0 Članovi i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

SFKL 2009/10

SFKL pocinje sa malim zakasnjenjem. Ove godine necemo igrati keeper ligu jer cemo imati dosta novih clanova, a za sledecu sezonu cemo se dogovoriti. Pozurite sa uclanjenjem, live draft je u petak. Pravila su ista od prosle godine, osim sto ove godine 8 ekipa ulazi u plej of.

Scoring & Settings
Setting Value
League ID#: 427405
League Name: SFKL
Password: fantasy2009
Custom League URL:
Draft Type: Live Draft 
Draft Time: Fri Nov 27 10:00pm CET [ Add to My Calendar ] 
Max Teams: 16
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head 
Max Moves: 15 
Max Trades: No maximum 
Trade Reject Time: 2 
Trade End Date: March 4, 2010 
Waiver Time: 2 days 
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports 
Trade Review: League Votes 
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules 
Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum 
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow 
Start Scoring on: Week 5 
Playoffs: Week 22, 23 and 24 (8 teams) 
Divisions: No 
Roster Positions: PG, SG, SF, PF, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN 
Players Stat Categories: 3-point Shots Made (3PTM), Points Scored (PTS), Offensive Rebounds (OREB), Defensive Rebounds (DREB), Assists (AST), Steals (ST), Blocked Shots (BLK)